Thursday, June 23, 2011

simple lessons from the week

So I've been working at Kumon and the hospital a good amount (~30 hours a week) but making this post has made me realize how many things I've learned this week without even really realizing it.

Here's some things I've learned this week so far:

1. God's judgment is so necessary to understand his character and his goodness. Just a greater understanding of how serious God is about justice and why that isn't just mean (learned this through our college Sunday school and reading Amos). Sorry would expand more, but tired/can't really explain everything.

2. My ability/talent? to do nothing and not be bored (at work I mean). Also the importance of having Internet on your phone (even though I don't have a smartphone and my Internet is poopy)

3. Lots of things about cancer. That Jewish-Ashkenazis have a much higher cancer risk than the general population. That oral contraceptives are sometimes used to lower the risk of ovarian cancer. About BRCA mutations. That there is such a thing as a genetic counselor. That stuff like when you first got your period and got  menopause can affect your risk level for breast/ovarian cancer. How important it is to get your family history to know what your risk is. And much more..

4. Catered Panera is so good. Mm. Salad, sandwich, bread (if you want), GIANT cookie (so thick omg I can't believe I ate that), iced tea, yum. (got to sit in on a meeting at the hospital with 6 nurse practitioners, a genetic counselor, and me hehe)

5. The beauty of the church, what the church is, and why we should be committed to and love the church (and this means our local churches, not just the generic body of believers). Click here to download the sermon from our Tuesday night college fellowship! It's super worth it I promise you.

6. Giving away old toys (even the ones I didn't like that much) and stuffed animals and books is emotionally draining and difficult.
Some of my toys from when I was little.
So many little dolls (this is just a very small portion).
Of course I couldn't donate any of the Hello Kitty stuff. 

The coolest bracelet ever. Some little girl will be very lucky :)
Polly Pockets!!! My favoritee :) Keeping all of these

Look, the fountain lights up!! Bunny bride and groom. So cute! Keeping this.
More random toys that are mostly being donated.

7. Doing algebra is about "setting the x free". (-kid from Kumon)

8. I can survive pretty well without my usual 12 hours of sleep during the summer. Wow!

9. I should write more (and not just essays/papers!). I was cleaning my bookshelf and found some poems and short stories I wrote and they weren't too bad  :) Here's something I wrote in elementary school. Very silly :P

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